Tuesday, May 19, 2015

#prayersof - Praying with General Convention

At the request of the General Convention Liturgy Team, the Society of Saint John the Evangelist is offering a social media initiative called  #prayersof.

#prayersof invites everyone from around the globe to add prayers in words and images to The Prayers of the People at the Episcopal Church’s 78th General Convention. Each day, a number of submitted prayers will be incorporated into the spoken liturgy of that day’s General Convention worship.

Adding a prayer is incredibly simple. By using the hashtag #prayersof on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, anyone posting a public prayer in words or images will have that prayer included in the prayer website at General Convention - prayersofthepeople.org

#prayersof is based on the seven classic forms of prayers identified in the Book of Common Prayer: thanksgiving, praise, intercession, adoration, oblation, penitence and petition. Themes of life and celebration have been added as there are nine days of General Convention Eucharists.

How you can participate

Go to www.prayersofthepeople.org and sign up. You'll also find instructions there on how to post your prayers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. One day in advance you will receive an email, a Request for Prayers in words & images. The next day you will receive a beautiful audio morning meditation and evening reflection on the Prayer Theme, read and sung by Brothers of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist and a link to the prayers of the people read at the General Convention Eucharist.

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